Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Week 3: Ideas on Sharing

Sharing ideas in education is so important. Being connected to others by any types of networks can get others talking, searching and sharing their own ideas. Becoming a teacher is such a rewarding job and knowing how to succeed in my future job is very important to me. By learning all of the ways that teachers can share their work or ideas, and ways that they can exchange knowledge makes the role of technology and social media that much more crucial to today's world.

Teachers and learners have many resources that are accessible to them to share their work with other professionals. They can use Twitter, make a blog, or create their own website to share their posts or ideas. However, sharing ideas does not always have to be through technology. Teachers can simply spread their knowledge through word of mouth or even creating posters, filers or art trying to get their message, or point across to others. Deciding on what to share and what not to share can be tricky. People may be worried about what others think about their different ideas. Sharing is so important, and what some people may think is obvious, may be amazing or life changing to some one else. The importance of sharing "everything" is knowing that certain knowledge can go viral and can potentially help out so many people throughout the world. You never know who is looking at your posts so share as much as you can, and keep in mind, that your shared knowledge may be the light in the dark. 

Being in school as a young individual can be very stressful or even scary as a student. Being afraid of failure or not wanting to speak aloud because of fearing being called "stupid." Most students may have had this experience. What teachers need to do to make their students feel smart in the classroom is praise all of the good things that students do. Making the whole class focus in on one students failures makes that failed student never want to try again. They think if they try again, they will just fail again.A students confidence can easily go away with one bad grade or mistake. Students need to be reminded of the good things they are capable of. Even if the student does not receive an A, but they tried their best, and received a C, the teachers should praise them for trying and give the struggling student some more help.Knowing how to help students is important as a teacher and finding the answers can be found by someone sharing them. Sharing does not always have to be online. As said before, teachers can share their knowledge through communication. Face to face communication can sometimes be more effective than online, due to being able to listen and ask any questions. Getting the knowledge from a person can even help spread ideas faster.

Being able to give constructive criticism to my future students is really important. Knowing what to say to them and having them understand that the words are not to hurt their feelings, but only to get them to work harder and do better. Seeing all of my students succeed in my grade, and move on in life by what I teach them is going to be an awesome feeling. I want to engage the whole professional learning community into using this kind of criticism. It can be good for students to hear and lets them focus on what they need to improve. 

Grammar and Language Arts are two words that may not come easy to all people. We are all humans, we all make mistakes and no one is absolutely perfect. Thinking that our public, published writing or media will be error-free is a reality that no one thinks about. Authors, journals and even teachers need to be professional and appropriate at all times, but having grammatical errors is no big deal. Having a blog or a website where others can share, gives them an opportunity to be themselves and to freely, but not trying to, mess up grammatically. It is important for teachers to understand how to teach and help students who could be struggling with grammar. Transparency is showing some strengthens and weaknesses in the classroom. Creating a culture that encourages transparency leads to a better classroom by letting others accept their flaws. Sharing is the most effective way to spread knowledge and is the best way to let others know what you already do. So share everything, whenever you can, and keep in mind that what you share, could maybe change the world. 

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